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Wave of Light

May this candle shine brightly in honor of your angel,

reflecting the light and love they brought into your life.


On October 15th, please join us for the Wave of Light, a global event to honor these precious lives. At 7 PM local time, light your candle and let it burn for at least one hour as part of the global wave.


If you feel comfortable, please share a picture of your candle on social media,

we would love to add it to our own wave of light.  We offer special candles that you can purchase here in honor of your child(ren) gone too soon. 




We are here for you-

While we can’t fully grasp the depth of your journey, please know that our hearts are with you. Our supportive services are here to assist you in whatever way you may need throughout your infertility journey. Let's get connected so that you stay supported.


Infertility extends beyond a medical concern. Our licensed therapists specialize in infertility and are here to support you throughout your entire journey, whether you’re struggling to build your family, have children, or are no longer pursuing treatment. 

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Therapist-led Support Group

Join our monthly virtual group discussions led by our licensed therapists, where we explore mental health and infertility topics together.

Here, you can connect with others who understand your journey.​


Virtual Classes

We’re actively hearing from our community and curating specific course topics that matter most to you. From expert-led workshops to interactive sessions, get ready to learn, connect, and grow.

Infertility Community Volunteer

Community Meetups

Connect with fellow infertility warriors who provide compassionate understanding for your unique journey. Join us monthly alongside others going through similar experiences, where we support each other without judgment or unsolicited advice. 

Family Building Education

Family Building Navigator

Book virtual sessions with our Family Building Navigator to get support for any & all questions you may have about your infertility journey & options. It’s completely free, thanks to our sponsors.

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Living Childfree by Choice

For those who have decided to live childfree or are taking a break from treatment, we're here to provide compassionate support. Our goal is to honor your decisions and offer a community where you can find solace and understanding.

Infertility Resource Guide
FREE Family Building Guide

Every Fertility Journey Needs a Roadmap
Infertility Connections has created an extensive resources guide to help those struggling with their family-building journey. This FREE family-building guide is an excellent starting point to help your navigate your options.

Signup below to join our mailing list and receive your FREE Family-building Guide!

Join our community

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